About Paul

West Yorkshire based sculptor, Paul Baden brings his cartographic experience of map making into his artwork, specialising in wood carvings made from laminated wood veneers.

Five Folding

Paul creates unique and inspirational sculptures. He works exclusively with plywood a material that on the surface appears utilitarian, but hides an amazing beauty within its depths. Finding that hidden beauty is the challenge he loves.

A self taught carver, Paul has found his own unique way of working with that material. He loves the journey of exploring new ways to create unusual and eye catching sculptures. He creates a harmonious balance between strong powerful shapes and tactile sensuous curves. Each sculpture is as smooth as possible as an open invitation to stoke or caress the work.

Paul has been a cartographic draftsman for over 20 years and has always been fascinated by the undulating landscape that surrounds us. When he first used plywood he was taken by the way the uniform layers mimic the contours found on maps. Therefore, what better material for a map maker to use in his sculptures? He brings his experiences of maps into each of his sculptures.

His unique contemporary sculptures create beautiful three dimensional landscapes for the hands and eyes to explore.

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